These Q&A was extracted from Securities Commission of Malaysia website.
Frequently Asked Questions!
Questions are coloured in RED & Answers are coloured in GREEN.As of todate [10 July 2007], SC has blocked access to TEN (10) illegal investment websites to the Malaysian public started 11 & 22 June 2007 & 10 July 2007 & more to come - Members of the public are reminded to be wary of Internet investment scams!
This exercise to block access to illegal investment websites will be done in stages and is an ongoing process, with more websites to be blocked in the following months as the SC continues its investigations.
The SC will continue to work together with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission ("MCMC") and CyberSecurity Malaysia to track, identify and block access to websites promoting investment scams. It will take all measures to fight illegal investment activities including taking enforcement action against operators and agents of illegal investment websites.
Investors who are still participating in such illegal investment schemes via the Internet are reminded to withdraw their investments and terminate their accounts immediately. Investors will not be able to enter their accounts once access to the websites is blocked.
The SC website provides a non-exhaustive, periodically-updated list of known companies and websites which are not authorised nor approved under the securities laws to deal in securities, provide investment advice and/or fund management services related to securities or futures.
Members of the public are reminded that they should only invest with parties licensed by the SC to be accorded the protection provided under the securities laws. Lists of companies and individuals licensed by the SC to engage in investment activity are also available at the SC website.
Latest news as at 10 July 2007:-With this latest move, a total of 10 websites have been blocked thus far. This exercise is an ongoing process, with more websites to be blocked as the SC continues its investigations.
The SC warns that the same action will be taken against ‘mirror’ websites created by operators following the blocking of access to their main websites. Hence, investors who are still participating in illegal Internet investment schemes via these ‘mirror’ websites are advised to withdraw their investments immediately. Investors will not be able to access their accounts once these websites have been blocked.
Meanwhile, in a milestone enforcement action against investment scams, the SC had on 21 June 2007 obtained a worldwide Mareva injunction (Mareva) against persons involved in the Swisscash internet investment scheme, preventing them from disposing their assets in and outside of Malaysia.
The Mareva was sought by the SC following the filing of a civil suit against defendants Albert Lee Kee Sien, Kelvin Choo Mun Hoe, Amir bin Hassan, Dynamic Revolution Sdn Bhd, Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A., SMF International Limited and SMF (1948) International Limited.
The Mareva, which can be viewed HERE (pdf - 418KB), restrains and prohibits the defendants from:
¤ carrying on the business of Swisscash,
¤ targeting, soliciting and/or collecting funds from the public for investments in Swisscash or any other internet investment scheme, and
¤ hosting or operating the Swisscash websites or operating any other such websites which solicit investments for Swisscash or any other internet investment scheme.
The Mareva also requires the defendants to disclose information pertaining to all their assets in and outside of Malaysia, the companies they have incorporated, and the bank accounts they operate.
The SC secured the Mareva following its investigation on the scheme under the Securities Industry Act 1983 and the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001.
The SC will continue to take all measures to combat investment scams including taking appropriate enforcement action against operators and agents of illegal investment websites.
Securities Commission
**BAHASA KEBANGSAAN**Suruhanjaya Sekuriti ("SC") dengan kerjasama Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia ("MCMC") dan CyberSecurity Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai NISER) berkuatkuasa 11 & 22 Jun 2007 & 10 Julai 2007, telah menyekat akses kepada SEPULUH laman web yang menawarkan skim pelaburan tidak sah kepada orang ramai di Malaysia.
Sepuluh (10) laman web tersebut adalah:-
Perkembangan Terkini Setakat 10hb Julai 2007Dengan langkah terkini ini, sejumlah 10 laman web telah disekat setakat ini. Langkah ini merupakan proses berterusan, dan lebih banyak lagi laman web akan disekat apabila SC meneruskan siasatannya.
Pada masa yang sama, SC memberi amaran bahawa tindakan akan diambil terhadap laman web `pendua’ yang diwujudkan oleh pengendali skim berikutan penyekatan akses ke laman web utama mereka. Oleh itu, pelabur yang masih melibatkan diri dalam skim pelaburan internet tidak sah melalui laman web `pendua’ ini adalah dinasihatkan agar mengeluarkan pelaburan mereka secepat mungkin. Pelabur tidak akan boleh mengakses akaun mereka apabila laman-laman web ini disekat.
Sementara itu, dalam satu pencapaian penting berkaitan tindakan penguatkuasaan terhadap skim penipuan pelaburan, pada 21 Jun 2007 lalu, SC telah memperoleh injunksi antarabangsa Mareva (Mareva) terhadap mereka yang terlibat dalam skim pelaburan internet Swisscash, yang menghalang mereka daripada menjual harta mereka di dalam dan di luar Malaysia.
Mareva yang dipohon oleh SC adalah berikutan satu tindakan guaman sivil terhadap defendan bernama Albert Lee Kee Sien, Kelvin Choo Mun Hoe, Amir bin Hassan, Dynamic Revolution Sdn Bhd, Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) S.A., SMF International Limited dan SMF (1948) International Limited.
Mareva, yang boleh dirujuk di sini (pdf - 418KB), menyekat dan menghalang defendan daripada:
¤ Menjalankan perniagaan Swisscash,
¤ Mensasarkan, mempelawa dan/atau mengambil dana daripada orang ramai bagi pelaburan dalam Swisscash atau mana-mana skim pelaburan internet yang lain, dan
¤ Menjadi hos atau mengendalikan laman web atau mengendalikan laman web lain yang mempelawa pelaburan bagi Swisscash atau skim pelaburan internet yang lain.
Mareva juga menghendaki defendan menzahirkan maklumat yang berkaitan dengan semua asset mereka di dalam dan di luar Malaysia, syarikat yang mereka tubuhkan dan akaun bank yang melaluinya mereka beroperasi.
SC memperoleh Mareva lanjutan daripada siasatannya ke atas skim di bawah Akta Perindustrian Sekuriti 1983 dan Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram dan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001.
SC akan terus mengambil semua langkah untuk memerangi skim penipuan pelaburan termasuk mengambil tindakan penguatkuasaan yang sesuai terhadap pengendali dan ejen laman web pelaburan tidak sah.
Orang ramai adalah diingatkan agar hanya melabur dengan pihak yang dilesenkan oleh SC agar diperuntukkan perlindungan disediakan di bawah undang-undang sekuriti. Senarai syarikat dan individu yang dilesenkan oleh SC untuk terlibat aktiviti pelaburan boleh didapati di laman web SC.
Untuk melihat senarai penuh laman web yang kini didalam pemerhatian & siasatan SC, sila klik "Investor Alert" di bawah:-